In 2021–22, the total reported income of UUK member institutions was £44.1 billion. Just over half of this income (£23.4 billion) was sourced through tuition fees.
In 2021–22, our members' total expenditure was £48.2 billion. More than half of this (£28.3 billion) was spent directly on teaching and research activities.
Income and size of higher education institutions, 2018–19 to 2021–22
In 2018−19, three quarters of UUK members had an annual income of £100 million or more, with a similar proportion having at least 10,000 students. By 2021–22, the distribution of students and income was similar, with 80% of members having an annual income of £100 million or more.
Income by source, 2021–22
In 2021−22, the total reported income of UK higher education institutions was £44.1 billion. Around half (£23.4 billion) of this income was sourced through tuition fees.
Teaching, research and knowledge exchange, 2021–22
Teaching and research income by source
In 2021−22, more than a third (37.0%) of teaching income was from non-EU fees. A third of research income came from research councils (34.5%), and more than one fifth (21.3%) came from outside of the UK.
Income from knowledge exchange activities by partner
In 2021−22, over a third of knowledge exchange income came from collaborative research involving public funding. This includes collaboration with at least one non-academic partner, which can include businesses, the third sector, and the public.
Outside of universities' own finances, estimated current turnover of spin-off or start-up firms based on providers' intellectual property, or started by staff, students or graduates increased significantly in 2021–22, with firms associated with UUK members having an estimated turnover of £15.1 billion (up from £12.7 billion the year before). The majority of this (£8.42 billion) consisted of spin-offs not owned by institutions.
Operating expenditure, 2021–22
In 2021–22, the total reported operating expenditure of UUK member institutions was £48.2 billion. More than half of this was spent directly on teaching and research activities. Other areas of spending include those that support teaching and learning, such as libraries and IT, maintaining campuses, providing financial support to students and student facilities.