Find out about the data we've used in this publication.
What data have we used?
Most data we’ve used refers to just our current member institutions. It covers 141 universities and higher education providers in the UK. Where data for some of our members is not available for all of the years displayed, we've listed the number of members included in the data used.
Each chart cites the source used. We’ve mostly relied on data from Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) records, which cover a wider set of providers than our membership. The charts show the portion of student, staff and finance data within each of the HESA records that represents Universities UK members, filtered using Heidi Plus.
Other data comes from the UK Government's Graduate Labour Market Statistics (England-only), and the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).
HESA Standard Rounding Methodology
We have applied HESA’s Standard Rounding Methodology to all analysis of HESA data:
- Counts of people are rounded to the nearest multiple of five.
- Percentages are not published if they are fractions of a small group of people (fewer than 22.5).
- We have applied the methodology after making calculations, which sometimes means numbers in tables may not sum up to indicated totals.
For more information, visit HESA's website.
HESA sources in this report are copyright Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited.
Neither the Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited nor HESA Services Limited can accept responsibility for any inferences or conclusions derived by third parties from data or other information obtained from Heidi Plus.