Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we supported Cormack Consultancy Group in establishing the UK-Ukraine Twinning Scheme.
UK universities are partnering with Ukrainian universities to provide urgent, targeted support now, and beyond the war.
Partnerships are for the long term, ensuring that Ukraine’s universities not only survive but emerge stronger from the war, and allowing them to play a critical role in post-war reconstruction.
The Twinning scheme has generated a huge amount of support since its launch, including:
- Over 100 long-term partnerships are now in place
- The scheme has been covered in national news outlets
- President Zelensky’s office have welcomed the scheme, and a representative spoke at a twinning conference hosted by UUKi that brought together colleagues from twinned universities
- The UK Government has announced funding for the scheme
- We have launched, alongside Research England, the UK-Ukraine R&I twinning grants