Invitation to tender - exploring the contribution of international postgraduate research students to the UK’s science and research base
Last updated on Tuesday 3 Dec 2024 at 5:56pm
Universities UK International (UUKi) invites tenders for a research project with the title 'Exploring the contribution of international postgraduate research students to the UK’s science and research base'.
In June 2022, UUKi published the report Global demand for UK postgraduate research degrees to explore the current state of international students’ demand for UK postgraduate research (PGR) degrees in the UK and via UK transnational education overseas to understand trends, opportunities and challenges. The report identifies several key actions for the sector and government to support the UK’s PGR recruitment, among which the action to clearly articulate the role and value of international PGR students for UK science and innovation.
Given the high priority set out by the UK government to establishing the UK as a global science and tech superpower and being a destination for global R&I talent, it is timely to review and enhance the evidence base on the contribution of international PGR students to the UK’s overall capability, capacity and excellence.
Aims, deliverables and required research
Aims of the commission
This project will enhance the evidence base on the contribution and impact of international PGR talent to the UK’s R&I performance. In doing so, it will help to:
Articulate the contribution of international PGR students to UK R&D.
Stimulate debate of the role and contribution of international PGR talent to the UK.
Inform university, funder, and government policy with regards to international PGR students.
Research required
This research will involve the following:
Descriptive analysis of public data, identifying the key characteristics of international PGR talent in the UK (including disciplinary mix and highlighting where this cohort represents a major strategic asset)
Bibliometric analysis of the contribution of international PGR students to the UK science and research base in terms of scientific output, impact and collaboration.
Qualitative case studies of how international PGR students contribute to their universities and their universities’ research performance.
Anticipated deliverables
Final Report (approx. 40 pages), and Executive Summary (approx. 5 pages), with key recommendations. Successful consultants will be asked to present at UUKi’s flagship conference, the International Higher Education Forum (IHEF) on Wednesday, 1 May – Friday, 3 May 2024.
Q: Under ‘Research required’, it is stated that the research should include descriptive analysis of “public data” in order to provide a descriptive picture/profile of international PGRs in the UK. Could you please advise whether you wish us to interpret this as meaning that such analysis should be solely of data that is available freely to the public, or whether we should anticipate acquisition of data? If the latter, would UUKi cover the cost of such data acquisition, or would that cost need to factored into our project costing?
A: The key public dataset that we would like to be analysed for this part of the research is the HESA student record. Through our own access agreement with Heidi Plus, the HESA business intelligence tool, we are able to share rounded summaries of relevant datasets with third parties, provided that it is exclusively for the purpose of any research or analysis on behalf of UUK, and destroyed upon completion of the work. This would need to be set out in any contract with the successful bidder.
Budget and timeline
The total budget available for this project is £40k plus VAT (if applicable). For the avoidance of doubt, if VAT is not applicable, the total budget remains at £40k. This will be payable in two tranches:
50% on signing of the contract.
50% on satisfactory completion of the project.
Funding for this project is provided as part of a grant from UKRI.
Deadline for receipt of emailed tenders: 16 October 2023 at 12noon GMT.
Shortlisted applicants are likely to be invited to interview which will take place week commencing 30 October 2023.
We anticipate this project will begin week commencing 13 November 2023.
All outputs must be satisfactorily delivered to UUK no later than 26 April 2024.
Management and oversight
This project will be managed by Latisha Gordon, Policy Advisor at Universities UK International (UUKi).
The appointed supplier will be expected to provide light touch fortnightly monitoring updates to track progress against agreed milestones. This includes an initial kick-off meeting, a mid-point meeting and a final review.
The contracting entity for this project will be Universities UK.
Tender submission
Please email, attaching your response in English to
Latisha Gordon ([email protected]) with copy to
Dajana Dzanovic ([email protected])
with the subject marked as: “Exploring the contribution of international postgraduate research students to the UK’s science and research base” tender response: [your name].
The email containing the tender documents attached should arrive no later than 16 October 2023 at 12noon GMT.
UUK shall have the right to disqualify any candidates who submit incomplete or late tenders.
Tender documents
This tender document, with more information, can be found in this PDF.
Please contact [email protected] with questions.