Framework for programme reviews: ensuring the value of courses
Last updated on Tuesday 20 Dec 2022 at 10:27pm
We've developed this framework to support universities in England to identify courses where value or quality might be a problem and act on it.
This framework aims to:
- address concerns about low-value courses;
- build public and government confidence in the quality and value of courses;
- and show our commitment to being consistent and transparent in this area.
How it works
There are three key sections of the framework that universities in England are encouraged to integrate into their programme review processes:
1. Principles
We’re setting out high-level principles to inform programme and course reviews. They cover how metrics (standard measures of value) are used in monitoring, assessing where action should be taken and improving transparency in how universities approach reviews.
2. Measures
We’re providing a toolkit of measures to use in monitoring the value of programmes and courses. These include core measures that universities in England are encouraged to integrate into their annual programme review processes, covering student and graduate views, student outcomes and graduate prospects.
The toolkit also provides guidance on considering the wider value of courses, including:
- levelling up and improving life chances across the UK
- provision of skills
- supporting economic growth nationally and locally
- contributing to social responsibility
3. Transparency
We’re asking universities in England to publish statements on their websites by early 2023 – covering approaches taken in annual monitoring, and assessment of where action should be taken on low value courses.
How we will help
As part of our commitment to supporting our members in England, we will:
- Support members to embed the principles
- Share best practice between institutions
- Work with stakeholders to consider how we can reflect the changing views of students, graduates and the government.
- Carry out an evaluation of how well the framework works