Our networks bring together staff from across the UK higher education sector with a shared interest in a specific world region or thematic area of university internationalisation.
Network meetings provide a forum for participants to share best practice, discuss specific issues, challenges and emerging opportunities, and help to ensure that Universities UK International accurately reflects UK universities' priorities in relation to specific world regions and thematic areas of activity.
Regional and thematic networks
Our networks typically meet twice a year. Between meetings participants receive email updates providing information and advice on specific issues, together with details of new opportunities and invitations to take part in occasional surveys and consultations.
The networks are open to UK university staff working in internationalisation, research, partnership development, recruitment and related international functions. We particularly encourage participation from international directors, regional managers, research development managers, and pro-vice-chancellors for internationalisation. Please see below for details of the different networks:
Africa and Middle East (AME) Network
Chair: Professor Manuel Barcia, Dean of Global Engagement, University of Leeds
Organiser: Anouf El-Daher, Policy Officer for Middle East and Africa
Email: [email protected]
Membership: UUKi members only
Asia Network
Chair: Vacant
Organiser: Yasmeen Bashir, Policy Officer, South and Central Asia & Yusuf Ali-Hussan, Policy Officer, East Asia and Americas
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
Membership: UUKi members only
Europe Network
Chair: Professor Amelia Hadfield, Associate Vice-President of External Engagement, Head of Politics, Founder of the Centre for Britain and Europe, University of Surrey
Organiser: Franziska Enichlmayr, Policy Officer, Europe
Email: [email protected]
Membership: UUKi members only
Global Research and Innovation Network (GRIN)
For staff at UK Universities involved in supporting international research and innovation collaboration and global partnership development, including the EU research and innovation framework programme. To become a member of the Network, please request to join here.
Chair: Professor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Impact), University of Exeter
Organiser: Sandra Morley, Head of Strategic Partnerships
Email: [email protected]
Membership: UUKi members only
Latin America Network
Chair: Sarah Barrow, Professor, Film and Media, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Arts and Humanities, University of East Anglia
Organiser: Yusuf Ali-Hussan, Policy Officer, East Asia and Americas
Email: [email protected]
Membership: UUKi members only
Outward Mobility Network
For individuals working in outward student mobility in higher education, be it in study, work or volunteering abroad. Regular updates and consultations are sent out to the network via a private JISCMail list. If you'd like to be added, please contact us via the email below.
Chair: Anna Moscrop, Head of Global Opportunities, External Engagement and Global, University of Exeter
The Network operates five working groups on:
Widening Participation (Chair: Meghan Ellis, Bournemouth University)
Internationalisation at Home (Chair: Dr Anthony Manning, University of Kent)
Visas (Co-Chairs: Annika Axelsen, Cardiff University; Lewis Davison, University of Exeter)
Sustainability (Co-Chairs: Eduardo Lees, University of Westminster; Leo Smith, De Montford University)
Turing Operations (Chair: Elizabeth Lynch, University of Surrey; Vice-Chair: Gemma Roberts, University of Southampton)
Email: [email protected]
Membership: UUKi members only
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Network
Chair: Neville Wylie, Deputy Principal Internationalisation, University of Stirling and Claire O'Malley, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global), University of Durham
Organiser: Abby Whitewell, Strategic Insight and Support Manager
Email: [email protected]
Membership: UUKi members only
Transnational education e-group
We send TNE updates to this group via mailer only. The group does not hold any meetings, or have a formal chair. You can sign up to the group via this form.
Organiser: Annabelle Lee, Policy Advisor (TNE & Responsible Internationalisation)
Email: [email protected]
Membership: both UUKi members and non-members are welcome