Commissioned with support from the Universities UK International, the British Council and Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, this research report looks at the UK's outgoing higher education transnational education (TNE).
It considers where TNE is being delivered, what types and what subjects are being studied, and includes case studies which showcase the breadth and diversity of TNE offers.
The research demonstrates:
the five countries where the most UK HE TNE is delivered (Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Oman) have remained constant since 2012-13, however the next five countries on the list have changed (Egypt, Sri Lanka, Greece, United Arab Emirates, India), showing that this is an evolving landscape;
there are only 15 countries in the world where the UK does not offer any TNE;
since 2012-13 there has been an increase in the flexibility of offer in mode of delivery, with more programmes being offered as full-time, part-time or both;
four in five universities who commented on their future plans intend to expand their TNE provision in the next three years;
partnership approaches with host country partners are becoming more equitable. While the UK partner is usually the lead on those areas of its global calling card of excellence - curriculum, quality assurance and assessment - there is either an equal distribution of responsibility or a strong focus on joint delivery and ownership in other areas of programme delivery.
Read and download the report here.